KeseyPollock is the collaboration between interdisciplinary artists Steph Kesey (b.1981, Seattle, WA) and Erin Pollock (b. 1982, Anchorage, AK). Between 2009 and 2014 they shared studios in Alaska and Washington, creating ambitious public art projects and multimedia sculpture installations. In 2013 they mounted their last large-scale exhibition entitled "I made you. I loved you. I destroyed you." It featured video and photographs of lifelike human sculptures, cast and carved from wax, melting under intense heat. It was made possible by the generosity of supporters who contributed to their record-breaking Kickstarter campaign.
They have plans to work together again someday.
Their work was also supported by grants from: The MacDowell Colony, 4Culture, The Rasmuson Foundation, The Alaska State Council on the Arts and by donations from: Advent Print Resources, Bait Shop, Big Dipper Wax Works, Burning Specialties, Inc., ColorOne Photo, Equinox Studios, Evolution Projects, Glazer’s Camera, Hammer and Fiddle, Hilliards, Lima Peruvian Food, MadArt Seattle, Okanagan Estate and Vineyards, Rachel's Ginger Beer, Rain City Spirits, Sun Liquor, Urban Evolution LLC, and Western Safety Products.
They have plans to work together again someday.
Their work was also supported by grants from: The MacDowell Colony, 4Culture, The Rasmuson Foundation, The Alaska State Council on the Arts and by donations from: Advent Print Resources, Bait Shop, Big Dipper Wax Works, Burning Specialties, Inc., ColorOne Photo, Equinox Studios, Evolution Projects, Glazer’s Camera, Hammer and Fiddle, Hilliards, Lima Peruvian Food, MadArt Seattle, Okanagan Estate and Vineyards, Rachel's Ginger Beer, Rain City Spirits, Sun Liquor, Urban Evolution LLC, and Western Safety Products.
Excerpt from
"I made you. I loved you. I destroyed you."
Documentary Portrait of KeseyPollock
by More Dust Than Digital
Live News Coverage:
KeseyPollock's "52 Faces"
Public Sculpture Unveiling
Live New Coverage:
KeseyPollock's "367 lbs of wax" Exhibition Opening
2012 KeseyPollock Kickstarter Campaign
Kickstarter Campaign Video. In 2012, Melting Bodies was the highest-funded Visual Arts Project in the history of Kickstarter.